When you get a new car—whether it’s brand new or a used car—you have a certain amount of pride in that car. You want to keep it in the same excellent condition it was in when you bought it. And when you get that first scratch or dent, it can be incredibly frustrating. But where do those dings come from? While some are unavoidable, there are a few things you can do to reduce the odds of these types of body damage happening to your car.
Parking Lot Damage
Parking lots are a prevalent place for damage to occur to your car. Scratches from runaway shopping carts, dings from the doors of other cars, and bumper dents from light posts are just a few of the possible types of body damage you can incur in a parking lot.
When you enter a parking lot, proceed with extra caution as you move through the lanes and search for a parking spot. Watch for anyone backing out, and give pedestrians plenty of space. When choosing a parking spot, consider giving yourself some extra space by parking near the back rather than at the front of the lot. You’ll be more likely to have open stalls on both sides of you (lower chance of door dents), and there will be fewer shopping carts being left nearby. Plus, you’ll get in some extra steps!
And of course, be very cautious when parking near any structure, like a lamp post or cart stall. Give yourself plenty of room so that you don’t dent your bumper or scratch your paint.
Drive-Thru Windows
Drive-thru windows at fast-food restaurants aren’t precisely high-speed areas, but they can be a common area to incur body damage on your vehicle. Narrow driving spaces and tight turns around the corner of the building or a post can cause you to scrape the side of your car or scratch your side view mirror. A distracted person behind you could rear-end your car—or vice versa.
When using a drive-thru window, navigate corners carefully. It’s better to give yourself more space and have to learn farther out the window to grab your food than to have to replace a side-view mirror. Also, try to have patience and give the car in front of you a bit of extra space. You’ll be less likely to rear-end them if they stop unexpectedly.
Traffic Accidents
Of course, traffic accidents out on the road are the most common cause of severe body damage to a vehicle. Higher speeds, more cars, merging lanes, traffic lights, and other everyday aspects of driving on the road can often lead to car accidents. Even though your BMW is a high-powered vehicle, try not to put it to the test on the freeway. Drive responsibly, and you’ll be less likely to be in an accident.
If your car does sustain body damage despite your best efforts to prevent it, look for certified BMW collision repair in Houston, TX.