China, India & ASEAN countries will be the major driving markets for Asian automotive industry. “Asian Automotive Industry (2007)” report provides objective analysis on Asian Automotive industry to research the potential options and challenges faced with the industry.
Key Findings
Affordable Vehicles are driving the introduction of automotive industry in emerging economy, for instance China & India. It offers immense options for global players over these economies.
Japan, for instance Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, are anticipated may be the potential markets for automotives due to AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area).
From extended-term perspective, cheap financing and charges discounts, rising earnings levels, and infrastructure developments will drive the event in many of Asian automotive market.
Thailand is showing itself to become a producing hub for foreign automotive players, due to AFTA that export tariff are very less.
Poor infrastructure affecting the event pattern in Asian automotive industry e.g. commercial vehicles dominates Indonesian and a pair of wheelers in Sri Lankan automotive market due to the poor roads.
Key Issues and Details Examined
Automotive Industry performance of major Japan.
What options are available for the vehicle players in Asian automotive industry?
Major challenges and driving forces for Asian automotive industry.
Who’re the primary competitors in Global Passenger vehicle industry?
Key Players Examined
This covers the key factor information regarding major players presently operating inside the Asian automotive industry, for instance Vehicle, Toyota Motor, Ford, Nissan, Honda, and Hyundai etc.
Research Methodology Used
Information Sources
Books, Newspapers, Trade Journals, and White-colored-colored papers, Industry portals, Gov Departments, Trade associations, Monitoring Industry News and developments, and employ of more than 3000 compensated databases.